Thank you so much for your visit to Thimbleanna! The official Thimbleanna started with a blog in 2006. But, just to back up a minute, I started sewing, embroidering, knitting and crocheting as a young girl. (Quilting came along a few years later when I became a new mom.) As a young girl, I loved to sew and every year for my birthday and Christmas, my mother would give me a present of a piece of fabric with a pattern and zippers/buttons/whatever notions were needed to complete the pattern. Oh how I loved opening those packages to discover a beautifully coordinated project. I would sit and sew and think, and somehow the Hans Christian Anderson story of Thumblina + sewing + my name all came together and I would imagine my sewing world as Thimbleanna.
Then, in 2006, I discovered blogs and I put my name to use. Blogging was so fun in those early days and I met so many wonderful and talented people. During that time, one particular friend and I e-mailed back and forth, lamenting the fact that we couldn't buy Moda's Bella by the bolt anywhere. Before I knew it, I'd opened an etsy store and started to sell bolts of mainly white and cream Bella. Then, if we could order Bella, why not order other lines of fabric? My friend and I also had a love of Liberty fabrics and we'd talked about how hard it was to find them here in the states, so, it became an easy jump to expand and add Liberty fabrics to the shop. We DO love beautiful fabric!
Back in those early days, quilting cottons took a big leap in price from around $8/yard to $11-$12/yard, so we tried to offer fabrics at a bit of a discount to soften the blow. Passing on some savings to the customer has always been important but with etsy's recent policies to demand free shipping (shipping isn't free!) and mandatory participation in their advertising program, the cost increases meant that prices would need to go up. Rather than increase prices, we've moved here, to thimbleannafabrics.com.
Our hope is to provide you, the customer, with beautiful, affordable fabrics and notions. If you have any questions or have something special that you're looking for, don't hesitate to email us at customerservice@thimbleanna.com or visit our Contact Us page. .
Happy Sewing!